Who's who?

The rehearsals, concerts and other plans are developed by the committee (elected at the AGM every September) in association with our Musical Director Andrew O'Brien.

Current Committee Members

ChairHuw JenkinsKeeps us all in order at committee meeting, ensures rehearsals and concerts run smoothly and sorts out the problems if they don't!

[email protected]  

(07855) 311192

Musical DirectorAndrew O'BrienPlans the concert programmes, takes rehearsals, and conducts the choir and orchestra. 
SecretarySue PegramTakes minutes and services the committee.[email protected] 
TreasurerCaroline FranksKeeps the choir 'in the black' and prepares the annual accounts and charity commission returns.[email protected]  
(01920) 822723
Publicity OfficerVacantPublicises concerts and events.[email protected]  
Concert ManagerLyn Grove
Pauline Rowe
Lyn and Pauline jointly ensure everything runs smoothly on the day of our concerts 
Grants OfficerCarole KaszakApplies for grants & other funding 
Social SecretaryFay SkinnerOrganises wonderful social events including setting fiendish quizzes 
 Jenny Leitch  
 Penny MorganAmongst other things sources lovely pictures for our posters and programmes 
Making Music Rep Our link with the National Association of Music Societies 

Part Reps

Part reps should be your first port of call for anything: a rehearsal you'll be missing; questions about concert arrangements; checking dates/times; etc. They will either be able to help you, or point you in the direction of the person who can!

SopranoBrigid Hickey[email protected]  
(01763) 242475
AltoSue Pegram[email protected]  
(01763) 838185
TenorChris Lee[email protected]  
(01763) 245413
BassAnthony Pigg[email protected]  
(01763) 245118

Other useful contacts:

Julie ClementsSorts out the 100 club 
Melanie Dawson-DewBooks out music and collects it when returned. Looks after hiring out of our music library to other organisations 
Jonathan LilleyAccompanist and Assistant Musical Director. Plays the piano for most rehearsals and often organ/continuo in concerts as well as taking rehearsals in the absence of the Musical Director